Steve Smith
Steve Smith
BA (Hons), AdvDip CILA, FIFAA, ACIArb, Cert CII
+974 (0) 55 327 511
Associate Director
Construction, Property & Specialist Liabilities
Steve is a Loss Adjuster with 16 years’ experience, including 13 years as a loss adjuster and 10 years in the Middle East. Having been based in Dubai for the first five years of his Middle East career, Steve moved to Qatar in 2018 initially as a Senior Loss Adjuster and then latterly the Country Manager for an international adjusting practice.
He handles a portfolio of major and complex claims across various product lines to include property, business interruption, liability and specialty lines across the Middle East with a primary focus on the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia markets.
Steve is currently qualified to AdvDip level with the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA) and shall shortly achieve chartered status.