Our People

Our business is built upon extensive expertise and highly-experienced staff.

Professional Personnel

Adam Humphrey

CEO, CCS Group, GRS Int.

Adam Humphrey, who joined GRS in 2021, has more than...

Jessica Henderson

Senior Loss Adjuster - Construction

Loss Adjuster with over 10 years’ experience gained in the...

Adam Humphrey

Position: CEO, CCS Group, GRS Int.
Phone: +44 (0) 7545 166210
Email: ahumphrey@globalrisksolutions.com
Categories: Construction and Engineering, Energy and Power, Global Management Team, Property, Quantity Surveying, Renewables, Risk Engineering, Specialist Liabilities
Location: London, UK

Adam Humphrey, who joined GRS in 2021, has more than two decades of experience managing technical and complex insurance claims, worldwide.

Before that, he has held senior leadership roles in technical adjusting firms, most recently as a board director and global head of energy, property and construction (EAR and DSU) losses at Advanta Global Services. Before that, he held loss adjusting roles at Integra Technical Services; Cunningham Lindsey International, where he was a divisional director responsible for energy claims; and Charles Taylor Adjusting.

Adam is a Chartered Loss Adjuster, Fellow of both the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) and the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA).

He sits on the CILA’s Council and is chairman of their Construction, Energy and Engineering Special Interest Group. His academic qualifications include undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Law and Business; and, professional qualifications in insurance and dispute resolution.

Jessica Henderson

Position: Senior Loss Adjuster - Construction
Phone: +44 (0) 7442 601 341
Email: jhenderson@globalrisksolutions.com
Categories: Construction and Engineering, Property, Risk Engineering
Location: International, London

Loss Adjuster with over 10 years’ experience gained in the London Market through working for Insurers, Loss Adjusters and Brokers; specialising in construction adjusting since 2010. I have been nominated as a key adjuster for some of the largest UK and International construction and infrastructure projects, PFI contracts, along with major house building contractors.


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